My Mission

    Thank you for checking out what I have available at my homestead. I am going to take this moment to tell you a little something about me. I love creating. I love anything pertaining to nature. I've been referred to as a modern day, tree hugging hippie. I like that!

     I have tried to create art in the past. Failing miserably was a thing. I kept at it though. I got better and better. Putting my heart and soul into each project has caused great improvement. 

     Being able to put some of me in every creation, enables me to spread the joy I carry, to you. All of the items on the following pages are handmade by yours truly. 

     I am sure you'll find something here you like. Each item has been handled with care. You'll need to check back frequently. New items will be added regularly.  The inventory will grow and change over time. You can't have a fire without a spark. I am just getting lit.